Protest action over terms and conditions

The PCS Bootle Taxes Branch Executive Committee has today agreed to endorse protests in opposition to government attacks on Civil Service terms and conditions.

The branch has detailed to members in previous briefings how the Civil Service Reform Plan will see worse conditions, mass privatisation and faster sackings. We have also looked in depth at the governments benchmarks for change and the race to the bottom that they represent.

We refute the notion that these changes would make the civil service a “good, modern employer.” They are just one element of a broader attack on workers at a time that a pay freeze and pension contribution increases are leaving our members in increased hardship.

On 14 November, millions of workers across Europe are taking part in a general strike against austerity. On the recommendation of our Campaigns Committee, and in line with a decision by the Revenue & Customs Group Executive Committee, we will be holding protest meetings outside the Triad and Litherland House.

This will allow us to show our solidarity with other workers, and also discuss the attacks we face and how we build a sustained campaign to challenge them. Members will be given full details in handouts early next week – though we stress that this is protest action in members’ own time, and not industrial action.

In addition to which, the branch has welcomed the National Executive Committee’s decision to call a day of protest on 30 November inspired by the walkouts in Coventry last month.

PCS Bootle Taxes Branch is of the firm belief that we cannot rest on our laurels and that this attack must be challenged proactively. Now is the time for all PCS members around the country to stand firm, starting with the protests on 14 and 30 November.

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