We all need a pay rise: the campaign continues

J10 06On 10 July PCS members took co-ordinated strike action with union members in local government, education and the fire service over pay and our national campaign issues. The campaign continues and now local government workers are planning to strike on 14 October and health service unions are balloting over pay.

PCS is talking to these unions about how we can coordinate strike action to be as effective as possible so that we can force the government into negotiations.

Our campaign will include taking part in co-ordinated action with other unions to break the public sector pay squeeze. We are also identifying key groups of members who, if they take sustained strike action, will put real pressure on employers and the government. We are asking all members to support the TUC’s Britain Needs A Pay Rise demonstration in London on Saturday 18 October.

Discussions with other unions and the TUC will take place and the national executive committee will meet on 23 September to take decisions on coordinated industrial action in the week beginning 13 October, and on targeted action in the following period, with the aim of bringing the government to the negotiating table

Fighting fund

To help us fight the cuts we have launched a fighting fund. We need the fund to be big enough to support key staff taking targeted strike action. A donation of just £2 per month will help us build our fighting fund.

You can donate by:

  • Completing a direct debit form
  • Writing a cheque for £24 made payable to PCS fighting fund levy and sending it to PCS Finance Department, Freepost, BFH1003, 160 Falcon Road, London, SW11 2BR

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